The music of James Bond part five: Bond bumps back down to earth in For Your Eyes Only

The music of James Bond part five: Bond bumps back down to earth in For Your Eyes Only

Moonraker is an acquired taste, but the soundtrack seemed terribly out of date in 1979 and failed to make any impact. 


Again: what can you do after you've sent Bond to outer space? 


Nothing can top that. So For Your Eyes Only was like On Her Majesty's Secret Service: a return to earth. In an attempt to capture a young audience, Scottish singer-songwriter Sheena Easton was chosen for the title track and is to this day the only singer to appear in the title sequence. 



Easton may not be the greatest singer on the planet, but, at the time she was probably the first reality TV "celebrity" and the first product of a casting show. In many countries, the song, written and composed by Bill Conti and Mick Leeson, was a top ten hit. 


There's also a rejected song of the same name by Blondie that appeared on the group's 1982 album: The Hunter. After the old-fashioned soundtrack of Moonraker, Bill Conti was in charge. The result is typical '80s and typical Conti. Overall, a rather forgettable experience. Barry's soundtracks always add to the overall enjoyment of the cinematic experience; Conti simply delivers music for the film.


The bland soundtrack is the only blemish on an otherwise perfect Bond film. The music sounds so dated and generic that for the DVD documentary, Barry's Majesty's soundtrack was used. Choosing the flavour of the day proved financially profitable. 

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